Sunday, 30 September 2012

Keeping a Healthy Prostate

Common Prostate Problems

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Prostate problems become more common after the age of 50; this is due to the fact that a man's prostate gland continues to grow throughout his life.

One of the most common prostate issues is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) which is more commonly known by its non-medical term; an enlarged prostate. This can present numerous issues to a man:

1. May become difficult to urinate

2. Dribbling after urination

3. May need to urinate more often

4. Waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom

5. Stop/Start urination

6. It may become painful when ejaculating

7. Uncomfortable urination

Chronic Prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis is a relatively common problem amongst men. There are numerous similarities with BPH in terms of the issues and symptoms caused by chronic prostatitis. However unlike BPH, men tend to experience pain at the bottom of the back as well as within the groin area.

Ways to Help Keep a Healthy Prostate

First of all, it is important to test for prostate problems and continue to be aware of any symptoms should they arise. There are, however, things that can make a man's life easier, such as taking herbal remedies and supplements that are clinically proven to maintain a healthy prostate.

Eating the right foods is essential in maintaining a healthy prostate and protecting one's self from more serious disorders. The following foods have been studied and shown to have positive effects on prostate health:

1. Ginger, Pumpkin seeds and apples

These foods all contain anti-inflammatory properties. This group of super foods are full of beneficial compounds that can be helpful in keeping a healthy prostate. These foods are especially good when suffering from an enlarged prostate; the seeds can help with the urinary problems that an enlarged prostate can cause.

2. Tomatoes

Numerous scientific studies have identified tomatoes as a key food when combating prostate cancer. A ripe, juicy tomato is full of something called lycopene; Lycopene has been proven to have a positive effect when battling cancer.

Three or more servings of tomatoes a week can, in some cases, significantly help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer

3. Cranberry & Pomegranate

These two delicious fruits contain antioxidants which can help reduce the inflammation of the prostate gland. There are many cranberry and pomegranate drinks that contain all the anti-inflammatory properties that help fight against prostate issues.

4. Stay away from the fat

Limit the amount of fatty foods eaten. It is essential to keep a healthy diet in order to maintain a healthy prostate; try a diet that is high in fruit and natural oils

NutriPlus Prime Prostate is a 100% herbal, natural, super strength supplement for prostate problems. This super strength prostate health supplements contains saw palmetto extract and 21 other highly effective ingredients that can help combat prostate issues. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Circumcision Prevents Disease Myth Is Debunked and Questions to Ask Yourself

Important Concerns and Lifelong Consequences of Circumcision

It's approximated that 60% of males born in the U.S.A. are circumcised for religious, aesthetic, or traditional reasons, which are deemed medically unnecessary by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Questions that you may want to ask yourself if you're thinking about this surgery for your child: What are my reasons for having the procedure performed on my baby? Is it because of societal or religious expectations? Is there an assumption that it's "natural" or assumed to be the appropriate option? If so, could this belief stem from a misguided parent or partner who has impressed in your mind that circumsing is conventional and advantageous?

Are you apprehensive about describing to your child how to effectively wash his genitals? Are you uncomfortable talking about the subject overall? If the responses to any of these questions are yes, is the choice to circumcise more about you?

After considering your views to these questions, you may want to research the most typical circumcision myth: Circumcision prevents illness.

If a person hasn't resolved their victim-victimizer, survival-based patterns from previous lifetimes, any "dis-ease" can often be traced to traumatizing deaths that will emotionally encourage illnesses regardless of circumcision. Circumcision isn't going to help avoid global sickness. If anything, it is promoting victimization as one's body is breached without conscious approval. Also, it can cause a decrease in penis sensitivity making condoms even less tolerable. There are inconsistent research findings on this subject and claims of illness prevention; however, a study by Norm Cohen debunks many myths. Norm Cohen, Director, The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers of Michigan, writes:

"Circumcision is the only surgery in history ever recommended as a universal means of preventing disease. Nowhere else in medicine is surgery on a healthy organ considered an alternative to proper hygiene. The claim that circumcision prevents AIDS was made on the basis of observational studies of men already circumcised and randomized controlled trials where men underwent a circumcision at the start of the study.

All of the studies attempted to predict what happened on a microscopic level by studying conditions on a macro level, which is far less precise. Researchers were not able to observe exactly when, where, or how each individual got infected. Therefore, a fundamental assumption was made that is possible to draw conclusions about the mode of transmission of HIV by enumerating the success of transmission in specific populations.

[Regarding penile sensitivity and HIV transmission], the most common reason men give for not wearing a condom is that it reduces sensation and pleasure. Circumcised men experience a progressive loss of sensitivity as a result of their circumcision, [which] will only discourage condom use further. [Furthermore], loss of penile skin from circumcision frequently results in tightened, scarred skin on the erect penis.

This eventually increases friction during intercourse, which increases the likelihood of abrasion through which HIV can pass... [Also], circumcision advocates propose to persuade men to be circumcised because it will protect them, and afterwards tell them not to have unprotected sex because it won't protect them. This dangerous [and confusing] message may make many circumcised men worldwide feel that since they are now [supposedly] at decreased risk, they are sufficiently protected without condoms." (Science Fact or Science Fiction: Could Circumcision Really Prevent AIDS? By: Norm Cohen, Director, The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers of Michigan, 08/18/2007.)

In addition, Dr. Guy Madder, a physician at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, Australia, concludes in the Annals of Family Medicine that there is no proof that circumcision lessens the chance of contracting STD's, bladder tract infections or penis cancer. I don't declare that these research findings or similar ones offer definitive proof that circumcision prevents disease, however, if the choice to circumcise or not to circumcise is being established completely by the assumption that circumcision prevents STD's, one may want to examine these studies further from various resources.

Furthermore, I've discovered that patients with STD's have unresolved experiences of past-life sexual assault, molestation, fatal pregnancies, operations, or traumas to their bodies and can manifest an illness for emotional and psychological closure. Past Life Therapy patients root, subconscious messages that were registered during past-life traumas or illnesses often include negative statements such as "You're nothing," "You're worthless," "You deserve this," "You don't exist," and ultimately "You deserve to die."

This comments coming from outside of someone during a subconscious state such as stressful fatalities confuse the mind into considering these statements as one's own. They can also strengthen a mind-body perception that "I'm not perfect as I am; I'm damaged; I'm not good enough, etc." These limiting values connect to every cell in the body to "act out imperfectly" as the mind includes the complete body, not just the brain. As a result, the mind can conclude both subconsciously and consciously to remain victimized in many ways until the root of these false values are released.

Moreover, AIDS, the greatest victimization, can be reinforced by a subconscious attempt to die as the only way to evade the confusion that has taken over one's life. Circumcision is just another factor in the karmic victimization pattern, which can resume the belief that "there is something wrong with me and this body part." Regardless of one's perception of reincarnation, the fact remains that even though the U.S.A. has more circumcised men than other nations, STD rates are the same or more noticeable than areas where circumcisions are less typical.

For the complete debunking of circumcision myths and the full-text article "Anxiety & Male Sexual Issues Reinforced by Past-Life Traumas & Circumcision", or to learn more about Past Life Therapy, please visit:

I don't proclaim to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure diseases. I provide alternative/healing arts treatment that promotes emotional resolution of current problems at their unconscious sources; this may include past lives, prenatal/birth experiences, present-life traumas, operations, etc.

Physicians are required to abide by a Hippocratic Oath to offer safe, moral treatment and avoid causing harm to anyone. The parents and physicians allowing circumcision operations should examine whether these painful, mind-altering, and physically damaging operations are in the best interest of the baby, or if it has more to do with their own unresolved problems.

If it's due to avoiding the subject of teaching a boy how to effectively wash his genitals (which shouldn't be unusual from teaching a girl about menstruation, sexual education, etc.), or if it's from cultural and religious teachings that children should be circumcised, then one may want to examine these values before making a major choice to circumcise their baby boy. This article debunks the most common myth that circumcision prevents illness. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Penis Enlargement Exercise Programs, What Should I Look For If I Want An 8 Inch Penis Without Risk?

Penis enlargement exercise programs are by far the best way to enlarge your penis safely, naturally, and without having to throw your money away every month on fairy dust. Penis exercise programs allow you to enlarge your penis with exercises that require the use of nothing more than your own two hands. There are no pills, pumps, hanging devices, or any other dangerous contraptions required.

Over the past few years, lots of men have finally begun to discover all the advantages of using penis exercises instead of one or several of the aforementioned methods. I am one of those men. I went from a below average penis size of only 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to very well endowed using nothing more than my hands and a routine which took me about 6-10 minutes per day to complete. Because of the increased demand for these exercise programs, there has been a huge increase of them over the past few years which can make it difficult for guys to determine which is the best one to get a bigger penis.

Here are the things you should look for if you want to choose the best exercise program that can give you a penis that is well above the average size for grown men permanently, as quickly as possible, and without pain or risk.

1. It should require the use of nothing more than your hands. This is paramount. If there is anything mentioned about taking pills as a supplement, or incorporating any sort of stretching device or pump into your routine, you should discount this program immediately. The most effective exercises require only your hands.

2. Claims made should be realistic. I'll admit it, I surf the adult sites on occasion. I always laugh at the penis enlargement ads that promise an 11 or 12 inch penis. The largest medically recorded penis ever isn't much larger than that, so obviously those claims are embellished. 7 to 8 or 8.5 inches is a much more realistic and attainable claim, and even those guys who are below average now should be able to reach that using the right exercises. Steer clear of programs which make promises that deep down you know they cannot fulfill.

3. The time commitment should be reasonable. When I exercised my penis, my daily routine never took more than 10 minutes. Really, that's all you need. In my opinion, a 20-30 minute routine is not only unnecessarily long but also overkill for an organ as delicate as your penis.

4. Permanent results should be attainable. The program should not only include a phase which enlarges your penis quickly, but also a second phase once you reach your size goals where you taper down your routine and "crystallize" or cement those gains so that you can stop doing penis exercises forever without losing your gains.

If you follow the above guidelines, you should very quickly be able to find the right routine of penis exercises to help you reach your goals for your penis length and girth. When I started using the routine I chose for me, I first noticed improvements in erection quality and rigidity, and that happened within the first week. Within two weeks, I saw my first actual size gains. Within a month, the girl I was sleeping with at the time begin to comment that I was bigger and "filled her up more." Best of all, everything I gained was permanent so even though I no longer do penis exercises, my size will always be well above average and very satisfying to the ladies!

If you are ready to take action like I did and increase the size of your penis FAST, here is a link to the exact method I used to go from a humiliating 5.5 inches to very well endowed: This incredible step-by-step program is 100% GUARANTEED to give you the size you need to satisfy her EVERY time! Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Why You Should Be Worried About Your Dandruff Condition

With over 50% of humans suffering from it at one time or another, dandruff is a very real issue. Most people do not take it seriously though. Even when I used to have dandruff, I didn't pay too much attention to it as I always thought it didn't really matter.

After all, what was it? A little bit of itching once in a while. I did use Head & Shoulders or some other shampoo once or twice, but that was it. No real action to eliminate the dandruff was taken. And it's the same with most people.

It wasn't until my partner started complaining about the weird smell of my hair that I started looking in to the issue seriously. I felt embarrassed. From that point on I was conscious of my dandruff. I was worried about what my hair dresser would think when he notices all that dandruff. I was worried if my colleagues were aware of it.

Most people recognize the severity of their dandruff in similar ways. It is often someone close to you who tells you the truth to you. After all, that's what's meant by being close, isn't it?

That brings us back to the question as to when you should start worrying about dandruff.

My answer is: NOW.

The point is, dandruff, though it comes out only as a slight discomfort to us, might prove to be really unpleasant for our friends and colleagues. It seriously tarnishes your image, and people's ideas about your cleanliness. Imagine noticing all those dandruff flakes on someone you just met. What would be your first impression of him?

Yes, we know that we take showers and use all those shampoos, but still we do have dandruff. But when you see it on someone else, your immediate reaction will be not positive.

It's the same with all the others who are meeting you. God knows how many potential contacts we must have lost because of it. Again, think of all the interviews you have attended and if the interviewer would have noticed your dandruff. Though not logical, these little markers do have a profound influence on people's judgment of you.

Apart from that, it is always better to look in to your scalp condition at the earliest because you never know if it is just dandruff or something more serious like dermatitis or psoriasis.

I do not want to cause panic, but I intend you to start taking care of your scalp. It is not about hair loss or anything like that. It is about your outlook. We may spend thousands of bucks buying the best outfit, wearing the best shoes, and we may spend a whole lot of time trying to be pleasant to everyone we meet. All that can go in vain if we do not take care and let dandruff bring about all those flakes and the smells.

It's not that hard. There are n numbers of ways to get rid of your dandruff issues. You just have to take action.

And as a head start, you can read on how to get rid of dandruff at home, fast and naturally at Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Penis Hygiene, What to Do and What to Avoid

Washing and cleaning the penis is an important part of being a man. As well keeping everything smelling good and looking great downstairs, it helps to prevent pathological diseases from taking root. While adequate vitamins and minerals are essential for penis health, it won't keep away disease if the genital area isn't looked after. Washing doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming. Keeping a clean penis, whether you are circumcised or uncircumcised, is a simple affair that takes a few seconds every day. But be careful when doing so, as improper cleaning can be as damaging as not washing often enough.

Regular Washing

Many men neglect to clean their penis thoroughly, despite hygiene being so important for preventing diseases of the genital area. Dust, dirt, sweat and bacteria all can lead to foul body odor, irritation and inflammation. Men should wash the penis every single day, and pay special attention to gently wash the area beneath the foreskin. When in the shower or bath the penis can be properly cleaned by gently retracting back the foreskin as far as it will go and rinse the skin underneath and the glans with warm water. This helps to prevent a build-up of smegma, a natural oily lubricant made up of dead skin cells, that may have a cheese-like appearance in some men. While smegma is natural, it can begin to develop a strong odor if it does build up beneath the foreskin.

Soaps and Perfumes

Skin care products can often have a negative effect on the skin of the penis. The areas beneath the foreskin, the shaft and the glans of the penis can be incredibly sensitive in many men, and washing with regular soap can cause soreness to develop. Regular soaps may also strip natural oils and moisture from the skin, leaving tissues dry, rough and irritated. Warm water should be more than enough for cleaning the penis and beneath the foreskin. If a man does require soap, using mild or natural soaps that are free of alcohol, parabens and perfumes are better. Skin care products scented with natural oils or essential oils may be better tolerated than perfumes, but some oils, such as tea tree, can cause skin irritation in some men, so read product labels and use with caution.


Excessive washing can cause as many problems as not washing enough. Moderate and gentle washing of the penis is important to prevent stripping the skin tissues of their oils and causing cellular damage. According to a study published in Genitourinary Medicine in 1993, men who wash their genital area very frequently are more likely to suffer from skin problems such as eczema and atopic dermatitis. While atopic skin conditions affecting the penis can cause great discomfort, 90% of men who used emollients like penis health crèmes and restricted their use of soap were able to reverse their symptoms. This shows that as well as maintaining good penis hygiene, it is highly beneficial to replace the lost moisture in the skin of the penis with nutrient-rich skin care products. Avoid highly perfumed products, and always test a moisturizer on a small patch of skin before applying to large areas of the body.

Step 4 Penis Health Crèmes

Men can improve penis health by applying topical products known as penis health crèmes. Special formulas (most professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains Shea Butter as well as various vitamins and amino acids for male health. For example, vitamin C has shown to support circulation to the penis, vitamin D is an antioxidant, Acetyl L Carnitine enhances nerve health and L-Arginine is required for strong male arousal. These nutrients are combined with amino acids and Shea butter for fast absorption, and can be applied daily to promote healthy skin and blood vessels in the penis.

For additional information on most common men's health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and contributes feature articles and blogs to numerous publications. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Penis Enlargement Methods, Get Bigger and Bigger With Time

A lot of men think twice before they shell money out for penis enlargement methods - and this is how it should be. After all, you have to find out what the benefits of each method is and how it actually works before you delve into it.

Naturally, the most important benefit of penis enlargement methods would be their ability to enlarge the penis. Not only will they help you get bigger, but they will also help your sexual partners feel a more intense connection with you during sex - believe it.

Penis size is mostly a personal thing, though. Think about it. As great as it may look, your actual penis size won't actually matter as much to anybody else but you. So, in a nutshell, enlarging your penis really is just to satisfy yourself. Either way, before you choose which penis enlargement methods to try out, you have to get rid of the misconceptions that you have heard about each of them so far and learn more about them in greater detail.

How They Work

Penis enlargement methods basically work on traction principles. In other words, they pressure your penis to use force on its tissues and cells to make the cells divide and then multiply. The pressure creates spaces in the penis that are eventually filled by these multiplying cells. This will, in turn, increase both your girth and length at the same time and make your penis thicker and longer.

Some methods include devices that need to be fixed at the penis base, while others allow you to decrease or increase the pressure used, depending on your requirements and personal preferences.

The Benefits of Exercises

Penis exercises are still the best penis enlargement methods out there because they are all natural and really work. Aside from enlarging the size of your penis, they also work as great stretching methods to give your erections more staying power.

By stretching your penis during these exercises, you can also last much more during sex and control your ejaculation as needed. Believe it or not, not a lot of men can do this.

Aside from that, these exercises can increase your penis health overall by regulating the amount of blood that goes into it. Now, this doesn't mean that you can put as much pressure onto your penis as you want, though. Doing this won't be very comfortable and could cause other problems, as well.

Be Safe and Realistic

As mentioned earlier, doing your penis exercises wrong could be very uncomfortable and could cause other problems, as well. For starters, you could damage your penis by putting too much pressure on it.

Because of this, it would be absolutely vital to get all of the information that you can on the exercises that you want to try out first. Then, learn about those exercises and how to properly put them into action. Doing this will help you get the results that you want as soon as possible.

Ideally, you should do some research online and find out which exercises are the most effective ones nowadays. Keep in mind that penis exercises aren't miracle workers that will give you results overnight, though. If you want to see some real effects on the size of your penis, you will have to be dedicated and patient over time.

Overall, penis exercises always come with positive results unlike other penis enlargement methods in today's market. Just make sure you follow their instructions to a tee and make sure that you know and realize their benefits first. Also, give yourself time to see the results and remember: practice makes perfect.

Note: Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in weeks PERMANENTLY without pills, surgery or contraptions?To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout.You can try the most reliable award winning exercises program like Penis Advantage exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks.You can do it at home by just using your hands=> Find out now

You can download the full exercises workout IMMEDIATELY.You will be amazed as your woman hasn't stopped thanking you for the whole night. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Premature Ejaculation Remedies and Gaining the Mindset to Last Longer in Bed - For Men

Understanding the Facts of Premature Ejaculation

The inability to last long enough in bed for men has always been an issue.

This condition is called premature ejaculation (PE).

If you suffer from this problem, don't fret - you are not alone! Up to 40% of men are estimated to have PE at some point during their lifetime.

In most of cases there is nothing physically wrong with the sufferers' body, although premature ejaculation itself may bring about problems in a relationship. Sufferers must work to not be ashamed as this only further worsens the condition. The inability to last for extended periods of time during sexual intercourse is not a disease, and you CAN improve. Think of lasting in bed as being similar to any other ability which can be improved, for instance: how to improve will power at work, how to last longer in marathon or any kind of sports. And sex is actually considered to be a sport by some.

Premature Ejaculation Definition

Many people tend to define Premature Ejaculation by numerical measurements, for instance: how many hours the man has active sexual intercourse, the number of strokes, etc.

Actually PE is a relative definition; you do NOT suffer from premature ejaculation if you are with a woman who happens to orgasm very quickly (before you ejaculate). Conversely, you may have sex with a woman who takes much longer to reach her orgasm than it takes for you to ejaculate. So when it comes to definitions, it's very subjective. Many define PE as consistently not being able to sexually satisfy your partner.

So really it all comes down to how long your lady needs to reach her orgasm. It's important to remember every woman will take a different amount of time be sexually satisfied; some women may achieve orgasm in a matter of minutes, while others may take up to 30 minutes or more.

Some women even find it impossible to have an orgasm from penetrative sex no matter how long you last, and thus they require an alternative means of stimulation to reach orgasm. Because of this, you might have "premature ejaculation" with some women while you don't with others, therefore, the definition of premature ejaculation is all based on the perception and circumstances in which you are encountered.

Based on a study, women take 4-16 minutes on average to reach orgasm through penetrative sex. So, if you base your determination of whether or not you suffer from premature ejaculation on numerical values, 4-16 minutes would be a fair choice to go by.

Developing the Mindset to Last Longer In Bed

As mentioned above, the inability to last long periods of time in bed for men is defined as premature ejaculation.

This ability can absolutely be improved or enhanced if you know how what to concentrate on (and also boost your stamina levels in general).

However, you must have the right mindset for successful improvement in your ability to last longer in bed:

You have to be confident you can last.You have to understand how your body system works from the first moment of stimulation all the way up until ejaculation. Take this analogy: how can you repair your car if you don't understand how it works?You have to understand how your own body responds physically, mentally and emotionally when exposed to sexual stimulation.After understanding all of this, then you can learn how to better control your body.Begin regularly practicing simple sexual exercises (such as PC muscle workout routines) as well as general forms of exercise to keep your body fit.There are some healthy foods you can take in order to help you last longer in bed; do further research to learn more.Be patient and consistent when implementing the above practices and exercises.

By acquiring the above mindsets (and having a firm will), you are well on the road to lasting longer in bed!

Daniel Kraska suffered from very bad premature ejaculation in the past. But now he has solved that problem permanently; he now works in a small Christian community, in sex/marriage counseling group - giving help to friends, husbands and wives in overcoming their premature ejaculation problems as well as in developing mindset to last longer in bed.
Visit his site How to Last Longer in Bed Articles for more information. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Dry, Itchy, Red Penis, Solve Penis Problems Quickly and Naturally

Of the complaints from male patients concerning penis problems, a dry, itchy, red penis skin is one of the most common. For example:

I am a 20-year old and sexually active. For the last 6 months, I have had problems with dry skin on my penis head. Besides that, the part under the head is cracked and itches, and it burns every time I have sex. My girlfriend thinks I might have a yeast infection. I didn't think guys could get those down there.

In this case, his girlfriend was right - he did have a yeast infection. In fact, guys are just as likely as women to develop yeast infections in this area. Because of this, daily care with penis-specific vitamins and minerals is recommended for maintaining skin pH and fighting off minor viral and fungal infections. The following list of symptoms can help men figure out the source of their red penis problems:

Symptom: Itchy, red penis accompanied by dry, cracked skin

Possible Causes:

• Yeast Infection - The skin is home to a host to millions of tiny spores that can develop into a yeast infection under the right conditions. The warmth and moisture of the genital area makes this a prime location for itchy, irritating infections to take hold. A yeast infection can cause the skin to crack and take on a dry, chapped and reddened appearance, and mild to severe itching may occur. Maintaining healthy skin is vital to keeping the body's chemistry in balance and preventing yeast and other fungal infections.

• Jock Itch - Like yeast infections, the fungus that causes jock itch thrives in the genital area. This infection causes a red, bumpy rash that spreads outward and can cause extreme itching, as well as drying of the skin.

Symptom: Red, spreading, flat rash, sometimes accompanied by itching and inflammation

Possible Causes:

• Psoriasis - While psoriasis can affect the entire body, having it on the penis skin can be especially problematic. While it is not contagious, this chronic skin condition can be considerably off-putting to sexual partners and cause embarrassment, as well as physical discomfort.

Symptom: Redness, swelling, and severe itching or burning

Possible Causes:

• Bacterial infections - When bacteria are allowed to penetrate the skin of the penis, they can cause a range of symptoms, from redness and inflammation to itching, scabbing and foul odors. Keeping the skin healthy and well-moisturized, as well as providing adequate nutrient support, is recommended for preventing bacterial infections of the penis skin.

Symptom: Redness, swelling and itching on the head of the penis and under the foreskin

Possible Causes:

• Balanitis - Men who are uncircumcised are more likely to develop this inflammatory condition, where the head of the penis becomes inflamed, red, and sore to the touch. Keeping the penis head clean and moisturized and supporting the skin's natural healing properties with vitamins and antioxidants is an important part of maintaining penis health.

While most instances of dry, itchy and red penis skin are not serious and can be easily treated, men who experience flu-like symptoms along with these should seek prompt medical attention. It is best to refrain from sexual activity until the source of the symptoms is identified in order to avoid making the problem worse or transferring the condition to a partner.

How to treat red penis skin at home

To soothe dry, itchy penis skin that is red and/or inflamed, it is important to keep the area clean. This means washing at least once a day and making sure that the genital area is completely dry before putting on clothing. To avoid fungal and yeast infections, do not share towels, and change towels often, making sure that they are hung up and allowed to dry completely between uses. In addition, red penis skin can be soothed and moisturized through the use of a specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) which contains natural hydrating agents, as well as essential vitamins and minerals to support skin health.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

What You Need to Know About Penis Enlargement

Do you wish that your penis is much larger and thicker than before? If you have a small penis, then you need not have to worry about this issue any more! You do not have to remain this way forever, simply because there are many penis enlargement programs that you can use to help you increase the size of your member easily. From today onwards, you can start on a program that will increase the size of your penis. This will inevitably help you feel more confident for yourself. Learning how to do so can take quite sometime, since there are so many programmes that you can try out. I am certain that you have tried some yourself, but failed to see any real results.

This is something that you may want to consider using today. Not many people are satisfied with their own penis size, but you must make sure that you use the best methods to increase your penis size naturally. Some people believe that having a large penis can help them to improve their sexual performance, and this is to some extent, quite true.

I would explain to you why you should not try out penis pumps. They have not been proven to work, and most importantly, it may cause permanent damage to your penis if you do not use it correctly. There are several reports that people suffer from blisters after using penis pumps. Why would you want to try out something that doesn't work?

Another consideration is going for surgery. However, it can be very risky, and I'm certain that you do not want to risk having your penis under the knife. Although this is an effective method, it can prove to be a wrong decision if things do not work out well.

The best methods that you can use would be to do penis exercises. These exercises will help to increase the blood flow to your penis, and at the same time, increase the capacity of your member progressively. How does this work?

It is important that you follow the correct exercises so that you will be able to see a huge difference after a few months. Penis enlargement exercises can also help you to get a better erection each time, thus giving you the confidence each time you have an intercourse.

There are also many health supplements that enable you to get a huge penis. These supplements contain active ingredients that can help to promote blood flow to your penis, which is vital for muscle and cell regeneration in your penis. By taking the right supplements, it is very easy to see a significant change in your penis size. Just remember that not all supplements are created equal, and you need to know what supplements to consume.

My advice would be to search for supplements that contain ginseng and horny goat weed. These 2 supplements have been known to promote excellent blood circulation around your private areas. They are usually available in the form of capsules, and they can be purchased from the local drug stores. However, do bear in mind that not everyone can take these supplements. If you are in doubt, my best advice is still to consult your doctor first. Do not risk your life! It is definitely not going to be worth it in the long run.

You do not have to live with a small penis anymore. Learn more about this penis enlargement program in the link given below. You will feel a lot better about yourself in time to come, and I can assure you this feeling cannot simply be described in words.

George is an expert on penis enlargement. Give your woman a real orgasm by having a bigger penis today! Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Friday, 21 September 2012

How To Be A Good Looking Guy, Tips To Improve Your Image

When it comes to establishing a relationship with a man, a woman may consider physical looks as secondary factors only. Nonetheless, when it comes to meeting and looking out for men, women will generally prefer guys who look well and good. It is, therefore, imperative for any man to know how to be a good looking guy, if he wants to draw the attention of the ladies.

Genes you have inherited from your parents dictate how you would look physically. You have no control over how your genes will affect your physical traits, but there are certainly a lot of things you can do to make the most out of the attributes you have. You can stand out in a crowd of men through proper grooming, good personality and enriched style.

Proper Grooming

Grooming is a mundane task that no one should ever forget or neglect. You have to bathe or shower every day. You have to wear deodorant to keep perspiration from making you stink.

Wear cologne or scent that will complement your body. If possible, get cologne whose scent matches your bath soap. A tip on using scents and colognes is to apply them on your pulse points. Body parts where blood flow is closer to the surface are known to be warmer and thus heat up the scent so it will smell sharper and stronger. A man's face is typically oily, so you should likewise pay attention to your face. Use facial scrubs and foams that are appropriate for your personal skin type. Acne and pimples should also be treated accordingly.

Hair must be well-kept and styled to complement your facial features. Any excessive hair growth on the face must be shaved or trimmed. Nails should also be clean. Your teeth should also be brushed regularly. Gargle with a fresh mouthwash so that your breath will smell lovely when you speak to a woman.

Good Personality

It is extremely helpful to acquire the traits, which women find attractive in men. If your presence is attractive, women will surely be drawn to you. First of all, you must maintain good body posture. Straighten up your spine regardless if you are standing or sitting. You have to feel confident as you relate and socialize with other people. Be careful not to be too overbearing if you do not wish to turn a girl off. Always offer a genuine and inviting smile to the girls. However, smile only when it is appropriate. You should also let your sense of humor manifest as you interact and speak with any lady. When you are talking to the woman, try to make sincere eye contact with her. Avoiding looking at her in the eyes will somehow tell her that you are not telling her the truth.

Enhanced Style

When it comes to style, it means that you should pay attention to your choices of clothing. Do not think that you need to buy expensive clothes to be stylish. What good can your signature clothes do for you if you appear unbecoming in them? Choose clothes that fit your body right. The style of your clothing (pattern and shades) must complement your bodily features.

Be Stylish! is a complete package on how to improve your physical appearance to attract the ladies. The Handsome Factor is another related system that can teach guys on how to be handsome and appealing. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Penis Enlargement Methods, Combining Pills and Exercises Work Best

Although not many men will admit it, a lot of them actually aren't very satisfied with their penis size. In fact, most men would rather shy away from this personal subject than talk about it with anyone, even though it really isn't something to be embarrassed about. The truth of the matter is that a lot of men aren't confident with their penis size, so they search for various penis enlargement methods that they can turn to in order to help them out.

Now, it is true that there are a lot of different penis enlargement methods in today's market, but they aren't all the same. Some of them promise to be effective, for example, but don't actually work in the end. So, if you want to try out a certain method to enlarge your penis, the first thing you should do is look for reliable reviews on your product of choice and see how many other men have found it to be successful first.

Penis enlargement pills are some of the most common penis enlargement methods that men try out nowadays, for example. There are a lot of these pills available n today's market, but if you don't read any reviews first, you may end up buying ones that won't work out for you. Remember: you can't always trust what bottles tell you. After all, their marketing tactics encourage them to promise things, even if they do not work. So, before buying any pills, make sure you check their ingredients first.

If you aren't very familiar with medical terminology, then these ingredients might sound strange to you, though. In this case, try to look for reviews that will explain the different ingredients in the pills to you in basic terms. Most of the time, pills used for penis enhancement include herbal extracts, no scientific proof of which suggests that they can actually increase the size of the penis.

So, if you want to get the best results possible in terms of penis enlargement, it would be best to combine two penis enlargement methods at the same time: penis pills and penile exercises. Some exercises may use weights to increase the penis size, while others may just involve stretching the penis.

In general, penile exercises work by increasing the blood flow into the penis and pumping more blood into it. Ideally, you should do some of these exercises regularly to increase your manhood's size faster. A lot of men actually use these manual exercises for penis enlargement and experience fast gains after keeping up with them for a while.

If you are a beginner in this field, then you will be happy to hear that there are various websites online filled with penile exercises that you can try to increase your penis size.

If you want, you can also try out penis extenders, which are known to increase the size of your penis within half a year at most. Although they aren't as safe as regular penis exercises, they are much safer compared to surgical options - that's for sure.

Naturally, you need to understand that none of these penis enlargement methods will help you get a bigger penis overnight. This is simply unlikely. So, if you really want to increase your penis size, you will have to be very patient. Also, make sure to steer clear of companies that claim that they have penis enlargement methods that can help you get a larger penis overnight. There really is only one way to get instant results and that would be through surgery - a method that is very risky and therefore not highly recommended. Plus, surgery can be very expensive and could damage your penis for life.

Note: Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in weeks PERMANENTLY without pills, surgery or contraptions?To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout.You can try the most reliable award winning exercises program like Penis Advantage exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks.You can do it at home by just using your hands=> Find out now

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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Regain Your Confidence With Penis Stretcher

A small penis shatters the confidence of a man in most cases. Men feel ashamed to show it and try to keep away from sex. However, there is no need to lose heart as there are useful instruments such as stretchers to stretch your penis and make it bigger. Doctors all over the world have appreciated the efficacy of a penis stretcher and have certified that it is helpful in curing problems like Peyronie's disease.

Penile enlargement has been achieved due to tireless research on the subject by many researchers. After many studies, scientists found out the importance and validity of the traditional traction system and they used this concept to develop the modern penile enlargement device. Making use of this traditional technique, the stretching devices stretch the penis up to a certain extent, making the cells and tissues expand a bit and thus attain a relatively longer penis. The concept is the same as can be seen in the case of body builders wherein they work on certain parts of their bodies, causing the muscle fibers to break which are reconstructed by the body using protien, making their muscles stronger and larger in size.

The traction devices for penis stretching work on the same fundamental and the users have found them to be very useful devices and many say that they could achieve as much as 35% enlargement within a short period of using these instruments. The best aspect is that the traction principle used in these devices gives your penis additional length and girth in a natural manner. The product is state of the art and highly sophisticated. Moreover, in contrast to the other alternatives available in the medical field, you will not feel any kind of pain or discomfort while using such a device. The traction system is customizable and it will most likely suit any penis.

Male Enhancement Systems

The instrument used for male enhancement is tied around the base of the penis with the other end fastened around the corona gland or the head of the penis. With the help of the screws on its sides, the device is stretched and fixed at the maximum length possible. As the longitudinal force applied on the penis increases, the cells in penile tissue get enlarged. The result is a thicker and longer penis.

The advantages of the enhancement system for penis do not end there. If you want a quicker and an even bigger penis, there are penis enhancement pills which suppliment this effort of enlarging the penis. They will also provide you with a CD consisting of simple exercises to stretch your penis. By using all these systems together, you are assured of maximum gains, both in length and girth. At the same time, there will be a considerable increase in the semen produced and it will also give you better control over sex. This means that you can extend the period of release and give maximum satisfaction to your partner during an intercourse. The list of the benefits that this system carries is long and there has been a huge acceptance among the users.

Free from Side Effects

This instrument is invaluable for people suffering from erectile dysfunction and other male sexual disorders. There will be rejuvenation in your sexual life and that too without any side effects. Doctors and urologists have certified the safety of the system. The method is comparatively inexpensive and it can help you regain your lost confidence. The device is capable of curing such painful conditions like Peyronie's disease. Curvatures in penis will also be a story of the past if a penis stretcher is used continuously for six to eight months.

Learn more information about penis stretcher visit at

There are a lot of devices available to assist with Penis extension. You may take a look at some of those products by clicking here: penisstretchingequipment. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Pain During Urination, What It Could Mean

Men who experience the sensation of pain, burning or discomfort during urination may suffer from a range of health problems, and proper diagnosis to determine the cause is important. Infection, inflammation, obstruction and cancer of the urinary and reproductive systems are all possible causes of painful urination. Men who do not get enough penis specific vitamins may be more at risk of these penis health problems. The sooner a man visits his doctor and acquires an official diagnosis, the quicker he can return to healthy and pain-free urination. Physicians will perform tests such as medical history, urinalysis and physical examination in order to reach a diagnosis.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infection is the most common cause of painful urination in young men. While there are a range of microorganisms that can cause an infection of the urinary tract, the American Academy of Family Physicians state that STI's such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea are the most common causes of painful urinary symptoms in men under 35. As men age, other types of bacterial infections become more common. A study published in the New Zealand Medical Journal found that the three most common pathogens responsible for causing painful urination were escherichia coli, staphylococcus epidermidis and proteus mirabilis. Once urinalysis has determined the causative microorganism, treatment with antibiotics should help to clear up symptoms within a matter of weeks.

Prostate problems

If you experience pain or discomfort during urination, problems with the prostate gland may be at the heart of it. When the prostate gland grows abnormally, it can press against the urinary tract, obstructing the easy flow of urine and causing symptoms such as painful urination, difficult urination and frequent nighttime urination. While men over the age of 50 frequently experience benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) as a result of hormonal changes, prostate growth may also be the result of inflammation or prostate cancer. If a man has reason to suspect a problem with his prostate, it is important to go and have a medical examination to check out any abnormal growth. Treatment for prostate problems depend upon the diagnosis, but can range from antibiotics for an infection, to hormonal therapy and/or surgery for benign and malignant growths.


Cystitis is a condition where the bladder has become irritated and inflamed, resulting in painful urination. While it is a much more common in women, about 10% of all cases of cystitis occur in men each year. There are two types of cystitis: infectious cystitis and interstitial cystitis. In cases of infectious cystitis, the lining of the bladder has become infected by a pathogen, such as escheridia coli or candida albicans, and requires treatment with antibiotic/antifungal therapy in order to clear up the infection. Interstitial is non-pathogenic, meaning the bladder is inflamed and irritated but not infected. There are several possible causes for interstitial cystitis, including autoimmune diseases, hereditary disorders, immune dysfunction, and poor nerve function/neuralgia. Cystitis should be treated immediately, as long-term inflammation on the bladder lining can lead to scarring and stiffening of the bladder muscles.

Nutrition & Health Crèmes

Men should always seek out a diagnosis for their symptoms before attempting to self-treat or self-medicate. However, there are some very simple and very basic steps a man can take to help support penis health throughout the year. Nutritional factors, including vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E are important for supporting immunity and preventing infection. Amino acids such as L-arginine and L-carnitine support penis health, vitality and male hormone balance. Eat a wide and varied wholefood diet to get the best nutritional support possible, and apply natural products to the local area. Penis health formulas (most professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) contain a range of vitamins, including vitamin C, D, E and A. These nutrients are combined with amino acids and Shea butter for fast absorption, and can be applied daily to promote tissue and blood vessel health in the penis.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Enjoy Your Secret Moments With Your Partner By Using Sex Pills

There is a fear among many people regarding the use of male enhancement drugs to increase their sex quotient. This is mainly due to the fact that there are many such products available in the market which makes claims to bring a 100% solution for sexual problems but ultimately turns out to be fake and also causes many sexual disorders. So it is strictly advised to purchase such products with the proper prescription of a doctor.

Although pills of various companies are available in the market the highly recommended ones are Longinexx, Enzyte, Triverex, Orexis etc. These drugs are a revolutionary discovery and are very effective in solving all the sex oriented problems. They are highly recommended by doctors as they contain natural ingredients like L-Citrulline, Epimedium,, Velvet Bean Tribulus terrestris also known as puncture vine, Panax ginseng, Muira puama, Avena sativa or oat, Epimedium, Zinc oxide, Eurycoma Longifolia, Lepidium meyenii or maca, L-Arginine, Saw palmetto, Ginkgo biloba and other ingredients like titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, Korean Red Ginseng, dicalcium phosphate, cellulose, propylene glycol silicon dioxide gelatin oat fiber and rice bran, hence are fully side effect free.

The disability to not have sex may arise due to several factors. The primary being erectile dysfunction, impotency or other medical factors. As a result of these problems a person cannot have a normal and prolonged erection as the arouse signals generated in the brain cannot be transmitted to the penis. Penis pills increases the blood flow in the penis and thus helps to transmit the arousal signals sent by the brain to the nerve cells in the penis. So one should know that Sex pills can do wonders for anybody as they not only increase the vigor and enthusiasm for prolonged sex but also increases the length and girth of the penis.

Sex pills should be taken well before the sexual intercourse. The results provided by them can be categorized as short term and long term. As short time results the users will able to have a proper erection during the time of the intercourse. But the effect is not for long and after the intercourse is over the erection will also subside. As long term effects the users can feel an increase in length and girth of the penis. They also increases the sperm count and aids in heavy ejaculation of sperms during a sexual intercourse. The pills can also be categorized as herbal and synthetic. The herbal ones are made out of natural ingredients following the knowledge imparted by many generations and the synthetic ones are prepared according to the knowledge gained recently due to the advancement of medical science. So if you are looking to buy the best penis pills you should consult a doctor or take the help of internet to do a thorough research. Remember there are various pills available for different problems. So be sure to buy the one which is most suitable to your need. There are various sites from where you can gather a thorough knowledge about them.

The penis pills that are available are of mainly two types herbal and synthetic. Herbal pills are most recommended as they produce no side effects. Whereas the synthetic pills are prone to cause side effects and are hence prove to be dangerous in some cases. However one should not discard them for that because in most cases they produce fruitful results. The herbal pills are mainly opted as they represent the knowledge and medications of many centuries and are hence trustworthy. The effects of these sex pills can be temporary and should be administered well before the actual sexual intercourse. Mostly they are told to be taken approximately forty minutes before the intercourse. The effects of these pills can be made permanent if their dosage is continued for many months. The effects of long term usage of these drugs are enlargement of penis in length and girth and extra vigor and enthusiasm for having sex.

These penis pills are affordable by all and can be easily purchased from any medicine shop. These pills can even be ordered over the internet. There are many websites that promote these sex pills and also give a 100% money back offer if no improvement is noticed in the given time.

If you want to lose yourself in the world of ecstasy and magic with your partner. Order the best sex pills that are available in the market. Learn more about - erectile dysfunction. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Increase Your Penis Size and Improve Your Confidence

Having a smaller then average penis can have a huge impact on your confidence. Not only can your confidence be affected in your everyday life but most importantly when you would like to hook up with someone. Your fear of what they will do or think when they see how small you are can stop you from even approaching a girl.

There are ways to increase your penis size but it is important to keep in mind that there is no method that will work overnight. Anything that you see that claims to give quick or instant results is advised to stay away from. After all, you are increasing the size of part of your body these things take time.

Think of it this way, if you wanted to increase the size of your biceps or chest muscles it would take time to achieve the results you wanted. Now while your penis is not a muscle and doesn't grow like a muscle it still takes time to change the physical size of your penis. If you are willing to put in the time and keep consistent with good penis exercises you will begin to see a fuller larger penis.

So you may be asking what types of things you can do to make yourself bigger then you are now. Well the best ways to do this are the natural ways and the one of the top ones is something called jelqing. This is basically an exercise you can do that will increase the amount of blood that the compartments in your penis can hold.

You need to make sure that you do not over do this over it will strain your penis and you'll have to wait to continue these exercises until you heal up. The great thing about this though is that you will start noticing some small differences within a few weeks and as you continue to do these you will see noticeable differences.

Throughout this whole process hopefully your confidence will be growing in size as well. If you need a bit of a boost in the meantime you can always try using a natural penis pill in conjunction with jelqing. While the pills themselves don't make your penis grow they do help increase blood flow which can help with filling up the chambers in your penis maximizing the size that you currently are. Just make sure that you take the pills according to their directions.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a person isn't going to like you for how big you are. I know that your size can affect your confidence but even if you had the largest penis in the world doesn't mean that you could pick up anyone you wanted. At the end of the day you need to be confidant in who you are as a person. Your confidence will do more good for you than you will ever know. While having a larger penis may help increase your confidence do not let it be the source of your confidence.

So what else can you do to help increase the size of your penis? Well a temporary measure you can do until you get the results you want with the exercises is to use a penis ring. Again, you need to follow the instructions and not use it for too long. However, if you use it properly it will help engorge your penis with blood making it a bit bigger while helping you maintain an erection. As you continue the exercises you can still continue using a ring but you may not want to anymore as your penis should be increasing in size.

If you are tired of having a small penis be sure to go to to learn how to get the size you want.

David O'Donnell has helped educate men around the world on the best methods to increase penis size. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Penis Health Creams Reviewed, What Penis Vitamins Can Do and What They Cannot

Daily penis care plays a big role in men's sexual health. Maintaining healthy penis skin can leave the skin smooth, supple and responsive and may boost receptiveness to sexual stimulation. Using the right penis health cream can have long-term benefits and increase sexual pleasure in men of all ages.

However, men who are looking to improve their penis health often find themselves stuck with useless, yet expensive products that do nothing to live up to their advertising claims. Smart consumers should be aware of what to look for in a penis health cream, and they should have realistic expectations about what penis vitamins can do for men's health.

What penis creams can't do:

Although it is tempting to believe claims that vitamins and other ingredients can make the penis longer, thicker, or harder, or that they can make men last longer in bed, the truth is that no cream or vitamin formula currently on the market can do these things. Companies that advertise penis enhancement creams are simply cashing in on a consumer demand that they cannot fulfill.

What penis health creams can do:

The good news is that there are penis vitamins and other nutrients that really provide lasting benefits and can improve sexual satisfaction. With the right ingredients, men can improve the tone and texture of the penile skin, prevent premature aging of the dermal tissue, boost sensitivity, maximize circulation and support the natural healing properties of the skin. By doing so, responsiveness to sexual stimulation is increased, and men can enjoy the more fulfilling sex that accompanies a healthy, youthful penis.

Penis vitamins - ingredients with real benefits

The following vitamins and other nutrients have been shown to improve the overall health of the erogenous skin:

• Vitamin A - Helps to maintain a youthful appearance, speeds healing, and fights bacteria that can cause inflammation, rashes, and foul odors.

• Vitamin B5 - Increases overall healing and works to facilitate penile cell metabolism, an important factor in cellular health.

• Vitamin C - A powerful antioxidant that fights aging, speeds healing, promotes healthy circulation and protects the cells against environmental damage.

• Vitamin D - The so-called "miracle" vitamin that stimulates the body's healing properties, helping to maintain smooth, clear skin and responsive nerve cells.

• Vitamin E - Creates a natural moisture barrier that maintains the penile skin's natural hydration and self-lubricating properties.

• Acetyl-L-Carnitine - An amino acid with protective properties that help to prevent nerve cell damage that can result from vigorous intercourse or masturbation.

• L-Arginine - Another amino acid that is a major factor in circulatory health, helping to relax the blood vessels and allow for healthy oxygenation of the skin and nerve cells.

• Alpha-lipoic Acid - A natural antioxidant that helps to protect the skin cells against oxidation (a process which causes cellular damage and can result in aging, a wrinkled appearance, and even skin cancer).

• Natural moisturizers - Natural moisturizers are recommended over man-made products that can contain skin irritants and other harmful chemicals. While aloe, lanolin and olive oil are generally effective, shea butter is recommended for most men, due to its superior healing properties. In addition, shea butter is appropriate for all skin types.

Which health creams contain all of these penis vitamins, minerals and other ingredients?

In the search for an effective penis health cream that actually lives up to its advertising claims, it was found that most creams on the market are geared toward individuals who are looking for penis enhancement. However, these products do little to live up to their promises. Only one penis health formula - Man1 Man Oil - was discovered to contain all of the vital ingredients described above and to provide real benefits for long-term penis skin health.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Friday, 14 September 2012

The Role of Penis Health Creams in Preventing a Curvature of the Penis

A slightly curved erect penis is a relatively common condition, affecting approximately 80% of all males. However curvature of the penis can progress and become painful, cause difficulties with intercourse, and even result in long-term deformity. Treating the skin of the penis with a high-quality penis health cream may be helpful in preventing the underlying cause of a curved or bent penis.

What causes curvature of the penis?

Curvature of the penis is diagnosed when the shaft bends during an erection. This is caused by a buildup of fibrous scar tissue under the skin. This tissue can be felt whether an erection is present or not. While the exact cause of this buildup is not well-understood, there appears to be a genetic component. In other words, men who have older family members with a curved penis are more likely to develop the condition themselves.

Men who have fractured the penis during intercourse or who are undergoing radiation therapy are more likely to develop a curved or bent penis and experience complications. Males at any age who experience pain during an erection should seek medical advice at the earliest opportunity.

Complications from a curved penis

If left untreated, a curved penis may develop into a condition known as Peyronie's disease, which can have lasting consequences on penile health. A severely curved penis can be extremely painful during an erection, and depending on the degree of curvature, penetration may become difficult or even impossible.

Treating a curved or bent penis

Once Peyronie's disease has developed, several options are available. Oral medications, radiation treatments, and surgery have all been used to correct the problem. However, these measures are known to lead to impotence in many cases, and they do not always correct the problem. Therefore, these are generally best left as a last resort.

In addition, vitamins E and A have been shown to reduce the formation of scar tissue in some cases and may help to reduce curvature or prevent it from occurring. Numerous other vitamins and minerals have also demonstrated positive results in terms of penile tissue health.

Nutrients for the penis - maintaining penis condition through proper nourishment of the skin

The following vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids have demonstrated a positive effect on skin cells and connective tissue and may be useful in sustaining penis health:

• Vitamin A - keeps the skin soft and supple; often used for the prevention or treatment of scar tissue.

• Vitamin C - Works to keep the skin well-oxygenated, boosting its healing properties, and needed for the formation and repair of the connective tissue underlying the dermis.

• Vitamin B5 - Supports overall health of skin and connective tissue cells.

• Vitamin E - May help to prevent or reduce fibrous scar tissue and keeps the skin soft, smooth and supple.

• Alpha lipoic acid - An important antioxidant that helps to prevent skin damage; also needed for proper metabolic function of skin and nerve cells.

• L-Arginine - An amino acid that works to promote optimum circulation and plays a role in the oxygenation of skin cells.

What to look for in a penis health cream

In order to enjoy the benefits of these vital nutrients, it is best to apply them directly to the penis, as the skin is highly absorbent and can help to ensure that they are delivered where they are needed most. A penis health formula (men's health advocates recommend Man1 Man Oil) should contain all of the ingredients listed above, as well as natural moisturizers needed to maintain the integrity of the skin's surface. Penis creams that are all-natural and free of fragrances, synthetic lubricants and dyes are recommended for all skin types to prevent drying or irritation of the sensitive tissue in the genital area.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Could There Be a Link Between Erection Problems and Penis Size?

Men worry about their penis. They worry that it is not big enough, that it might not function properly when asked to do so in terms of an erection, and quite often they worry about both at the same time.

Of course, a small penis can just as easily become erect as a large one. Everything functions at the same level, just on a smaller scale. However, when men worry unduly about the size of their penis it can trigger severe anxiety, which in turn can cause erection problems.

Many men worry that their partner is going to ridicule the size of their penis. This concern can directly affect the ability to obtain and sustain an erection when it matters most. This situation is then made worse as the thought of a failure to perform a second time becomes all too much, resulting in another erection failure.

At this point men really do start to worry. They mistakenly believe that there must be something physically wrong, which in most cases of course there is no underlying physical complaint at all. An association with a small penis and an erection problem needs to be addressed. The best place to start is a visit to the family Doctor. Sometimes a little reassurance is all that is needed to cut the link between the worry about penis size and the erection. In most cases the penis is of perfectly normal size. This reassurance alone can go a long way to resolving any problems. Many men have no idea of what is considered normal by society and therefore assume that their penis must be smaller than others.

Sometimes the Doctor will ask for tests to confirm that there are no clinical reasons why there is an inability to obtain or sustain an erection. These investigations may include a series of blood tests and cardiac tests to rule out other disease. If these tests are passed without any complications, then the Doctor could refer his Patient for Counselling to help overcome any issues. Counselling can be of tremendous help in cases where no physical reason can be uncovered.

If it is the size of the penis that is really inhibiting the erection, then this can be addressed with surgery. Penis enlargement surgery should not be entered into lightly. In the United Kingdom there are very few penis enlargement surgeons and it is always a good idea to have a chat with the family Doctor in the first instance and get his advice before proceeding with anything. If the concern is the size of the penis when erect, then it follows that impotence could result from the fear of the penis looking too small in its erect state.

Any case of impotence should be investigated. If it has occurred because of too much drink beforehand, or other medication affecting the erection, then this is understandable. However, it is important to remember that the inability to obtain or sustain an erection could be an indication of some other medical problem. Typically, men are reluctant to seek help and advice from their family Doctor. They put off problems until they simply cannot be ignored anymore. Problems with erections should not be left undiagnosed.

Lastly, and most importantly, erection problems should be discussed openly with the partner. It is at times like these that men need total support from their partners. This support can be critical in helping to overcome the problem. Perhaps the worst thing that a partner can do is apply pressure to perform at a time when clearly it is not going to happen. The inability to obtain or sustain an erection can be a clinical problem, and the fear of having a small penis can be a major concern for men. This needs to be appreciated by partners and help and understanding maybe the best medicine of all.

I have over thirty years experience in the cosmetic surgery industry, mostly as a Senior Manager and Board Director. If you have any questions about Penis enlargement surgery, or other ways of getting a bigger penis, go to Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Living With a Small Penis, 3 Steps You Can Take So It Doesn't Ruin Your Entire Life!

I used to have a very small penis. Only 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around. That is well below the average for fully grown men which is 6.5 inches in length. As a result, I had terrible self-confidence that infiltrated many areas of my life both in and out of the bedroom. My work life, personal relationships, and of course my sex life all suffered because I suffered from "little man syndrome." Not wanting to live my entire life in misery, I did some serious introspection and I came up with three ways to break out of my "small penis blues" and not let it ruin my entire life.

If you have a below-average penis size like I did, here are three steps you can take to start turning things around and reclaim the confidence you need to live a happy, successful life.

1. Work on your body! That's right, get buff. To quote a line from magazine fitness ads that used to run back in the 1970s, "Muscle up and make out!" Did you know that male bodybuilders are notorious for having smaller-than-average penises? A lot of people believe that it is due to their steroid use, but this is just flat out wrong. First of all, believe it or not, many bodybuilders do not use steroids. I am one of them. Second, while there is no question at all that steroids are hazardous to your health (this is why they are illegal) it is a complete myth that they have any effect on the size of your penis. Yes, they can atrophy your testicles by flooding your body with excess male hormone and rendering your natural production unnecessary, but they don't affect the size of your penis.

The reason so many bodybuilders are not well endowed is because they weren't well endowed before they got into bodybuilding! In fact, a lot of them got into bodybuilding because they weren't well endowed! It was a way for them to do something to give them confidence with the ladies! It works, too. Bodybuilders may not be known for having big penises, but the ones I know usually have at least one hot girl on their arm! Build your body and you won't worry so much about your penis size -- and neither will a lot of the ladies!

2. Perfect your oral skills! This will give you a massive increase in confidence in the bedroom, which will eventually give you confidence outside the bedroom because you won't be so reticent about approaching hot women. You won't be reticent because you know you have a surefire way to satisfy them! The way I got good at oral sex was pretty simple. I went down on any girl who would let me! It was easy to find girls who would let me because I let them know up front that I did not expect any reciprocation of any kind. If I wasn't able to make them climax quickly and easily, I asked them for honest advice about what I was doing wrong. Most of them were not shy at all about providing that to me. Once you get good at oral, the women you sleep with will gush to their girlfriends about how talented your tongue is instead of laughing with them about how small your penis is!

3. Increase your penis size naturally! The best way to keep your small penis from ruining your life is to not have a small penis anymore! The best step I took to improve my life was to begin using natural exercises to increase the size of my penis and it quickly and permanently became much larger. I did a combination of exercises that focused on both length and girth, as both are important for fully satisfying a woman during sex in their own ways. Best of all, I didn't have to waste any money on pills or other "magic potions," and I started seeing permanent results within two weeks!

If you are ready to take action like I did and increase the size of your penis FAST, here is a link to the exact method I used to go from a humiliating 5.5 inches to very well endowed: This incredible step-by-step program is 100% GUARANTEED to give you the size you need to satisfy her EVERY time! Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Top Penis Enlargement Mistakes You Absolutely Have to Avoid If You Want a Bigger Penis

If you have always dreamed of getting a larger penis, then it would be absolutely horrendous if you decided to sign on for a male enhancement method and ended up with a lot of unwanted side effects, pain, poor sexual performance and serious diseases, or ended up wasting your money for nothing - right? Unfortunately, this happens quite often to men who don't do enough research before trying out penis enlargement methods. So, how can you avoid this, then? Well, all you really have to do is avoid the top penis enlargement mistakes out there, as follows:

Top Penis Enlargement Mistakes - Number One: Ignoring the basic facts about your manhood.

One of the most basic facts about the size of your penis is that it isn't actually made to be changed. Well, if something wasn't actually made to be changed, then the only way to change it would be through natural methods. Otherwise, you might end up committing some of the top penis enlargement mistakes and damage your penis for life.

Not only do you have to stick to all-natural penis enlargement methods, but you have to be dedicated and consistent while doing them, as well. Remember: if something wasn't actually meant to be changed to begin with, then how can you expect it to change overnight? Naturally, it will take time, consistency, dedication and patience to actually see any results in the end.

Top Penis Enlargement Mistakes - Number Two: Mis-using pills.

Pills are a lot of men's penis enlargement methods of choice. Sadly, the majority of men don't realize that pills aren't very effective in terms of increasing one's penis size. This is because pills don't do anything else but increase the blood flow into the penis, and penis enlargement has so much more to it than that.

However, if you are merely looking for something that will help you get faster results as a supplement for another natural penis enlargement method or if you currently suffer from erectile dysfunction or peyronie's disease, then it would be alright for you to turn to all-natural pills for this.

Top Penis Enlargement Mistakes - Number Three: Not following exercises properly.

Without a doubt, natural penis exercises would be the best methods to turn to in order to increase your penis size, improve your penis health, and enhance your sex life all at the same time. In fact, this method is guaranteed to work - provided you stay consistent with it, that is. If done right and if done regularly, you can actually increase the size of your penis up to four inches, along with its girth. You can also make your erections harder and make them last longer through them.

Sadly, although a lot of men are learning that penis exercises are very powerful and effective at increase their penis size, some of them still take the wrong approach when it comes to them. They make up their own regimens and routines, for example, or skip the basics and go straight for the advanced techniques for faster results. This isn't how these exercises work, though.

If you want penis exercises to work for you, you have to follow the right system and start from the beginner exercises to the advanced ones. In other words, you have to follow the appropriate exercise levels for you in progression and organize your life somehow, so that you have fun while doing them and avoid the top penis enlargement mistakes mentioned above at the same time. Only then will you be able to get the size that you want and ensure that your sex partner enjoys your new penis size as much as you.

Note:Do you want a bigger and thicker penis size in weeks PERMANENTLY without pills, surgery or contraptions?To grow 2 full inches in length to your penis like I did you should have a complete and natural penis enlargement exercises workout.You can try the most reliable award winning exercises program like Penis Advantage exercises program to help enlarge your penis size in just a matter of weeks.You can do it at home by just using your hands=> Find out now

You can download the full exercises workout IMMEDIATELY.You will be amazed as your woman hasn't stopped thanking you for the whole night. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Penis Sensation Loss, Penis Sensitivity Can Be Restored

When penis skin is constantly subjected to irritation, chafing, rubbing or other minor, chronic injury, the skin responds by forming a thicker, more durable outer layer in order to prevent further injury. While this callusing effect is more noticeable on the hands and soles of the feet, the same thing happens to the erogenous skin of the penis. With frequent masturbation or sex, environmental irritants, or just the constant chafing of clothing, the outer layer of the penis becomes desensitized, resulting in a loss of penis sensation. The good news is that through the use of personal care products containing penis-specific vitamins and minerals and following some simple suggestions, loss of penis sensation does not have to mean the end of sexual enjoyment.

Why does penis sensation loss occur?

• Aging - As men age, neural sensitivity in all parts of the body begins to diminish. Eyesight, hearing and sense of taste are all affected, beginning as early as the thirties, and the penis skin is no exception. Most men report some degree of penis sensitivity reduction over time.

• Circumcision - While some men report that circumcision does not affect their sensitivity, it is highly common for circumcised males to experience lost penis sensation. This is often believed to be the result of exposing the highly sensitive skin of the glans (penis head) to friction without the benefit of the natural lubrication provided by the foreskin.

• Masturbation - Frequent masturbation, especially dry rubbing, can toughen the skin of the penis and reduce penile sensitivity. In addition, the penis can essentially become over-accustomed to being stimulated in the "right" way, resulting in decreased response to other forms of stimulation, such as with a partner.

• Poor circulation - Circulation plays a big role in the ability to experience tactile sensation. For example, falling asleep with an arm under the body can result in temporary numbness in the fingers. Tight clothing, obesity, and even cycling can limit the circulation to the penis and cause loss of tactile sensitivity.

• Alcohol and tobacco use - Alcohol, as well as the chemicals in tobacco, can wreak havoc with the nervous system and decrease the ability to feel sexual pleasure. Men who smoke or drink regularly are at risk for lost penis sensation.

Is it possible to restore penis sensitivity?

With the right strategy, penis sensation can be restored, or new nerve pathways can be formed, making sex a pleasurable activity for years to come. The key is to be creative and care for the penis skin with nutrients that are designed to support healthy skin and nerve cell function.

• Visualize - Sexual arousal has almost as much to do with visual stimulation as with touch. Internal visualization of erotic images, watching a partner, or even viewing adult films can go a long way toward heightening the nerve sensation of the penis.

• Avoid masturbating before sexual encounters - For men who are experiencing sensitivity loss, abstaining from masturbation for a time can give the skin and nerve cells a chance to recuperate. Refraining from masturbation before an encounter with a sexual partner can also increase arousal and boost penile sensitivity.

• Experiment with different positions - Changing the pressure on the penis through experimenting with new positions can create new types of sensation and increase sensual pleasure. Using the positions described in the kama sutra, for example, can heighten penis sensation and increase sexual enjoyment.

• Use a penis health crème -Use of a nutrient formula that contains vitamins and minerals for skin and nerve support may help to prevent loss of penis sensation and restore sensitivity, as well as increasing the overall health of the penis.

Choosing a penis health crème

To be effective, a penis health formula (such as Man1 Man Oil) should contain a combination of vitamins A, B5, C, D and E, which work together to keep the skin youthful, supple and receptive to stimulation. Natural moisturizers such as shea butter prevent drying and toughening of the skin, while amino acids like acetyl-L-carnitine provide metabolic support and work to prevent aging and cellular damage of the penis skin.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Restoring Penis Sensitivity of Damaged or Non Receptive Penis Nerves

Penis sensitivity is reliant on the health of the nerves running throughout it's tissues. The entire penis is filled with different nerves, able to pick up the sensation of touch, pain, pressure, heat, and of course, pleasure. Almost 85% of all the sexual pleasure nerve receptors in the male body are found in the penis, but like all nerves they can become permanently damaged through poor nutrition, injury or diseases. Penis specific vitamins, herbal medicines and common-sense self-care will go a long way to protecting the nerves in your penis to ensure a long and happy life.


Natural oils are important for the function of nerves. Every nerve in the human body is surrounded by a waxy substance called myelin -- without it nerve sensations cannot be transmitted properly and become interrupted. Myelin is made primarily out of omega 6 fatty acids, such as oleic acid. Eating olives, walnuts, pecans, cashews, linseeds, chia seeds and peanuts are all great ways of increasing oleic acid and other omega 6 oils in your diet each day. In addition, applying oleic acid-rich oils to your penis may support the local health of the skin and nerves. Shea butter, olive oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil and peanut oil all contain good amounts oleic acid. Cold-pressed oils are all safe for external application, and can be commonly found as bases for many natural creams and ointments.


Nerves need nutrients in order to function optimally. Specific micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals and amino acids, are used by the nervous system to facilitate synaptic messages. When nerve tissues have sustained damage, studies show that some nutrients may benefit the healing process. Vitamin D, B12 and folic acid have been researched for their ability to repair the myelin sheath around nerves. These vitamins may be of clinical benefit to patients suffering from diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis. In addition, L-carnitine, vitamin C, E and iron are necessary for the formation of healthy skin cells. When the skin is strong, elastic and moisturized, sensory nerves are far more sensitive and receptive.

Botanical Extracts

Traditional systems of healing have used plant medicines for stress, nerves and libido for hundreds of years. Today, science is beginning to understand the bioactive substances these plants contain and how they can benefit penis health and nerve health. St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is one of the most popular herbal medicines used to support nerve health and treat neuropathies. However, at least one study has shown that St John's Wort's action on nerve health may be mild at best. Damiana (Turnera diffusa) has been shown to support libido and sexual health in some studies, most likely acting through the nervous system. Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) was studied by researchers from Tohoku University in Japan for its ability to improve nerve function. Their study revealed that Lion's Mane stimulated an enzyme calledNerve Growth Factor, which facilitates the growth and function of nerves throughout the body.

Penis health Crèmes

Crèmes applied directly to the penis can support both nerve health and penis health. Following daily washing, dry rubbing, masturbation or sex, the skin of the penis can become toughened and dry, reducing the sensitivity of nerves. Penis health formulas for male organ health (most professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) contain a range of vitamins, including vitamin C, D, E and A, which may support the health and repair of nerves, stimulate circulation, and facilitate the healthy reproduction of new skin cells. These nutrients are combined with amino acids and Shea butter for fast absorption, and can be applied daily to promote tissue and blood vessel health in the penis.

For additional information on most common men's health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specialized in men's health issues and contributes feature articles and blogs to numerous publications. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Penis Enlargement Equipment, Getting Bigger Just Like You

Many think twice before buying penis enlargement equipment. It's because they don't really know the benefits and how they work.

Obviously, the first and the most wanted benefit of any penis enlargement equipment is SIZE! You get big, brother! And trust me; the size is measurable and intensely felt by your partner. Tried and tested. However, it's time you get out of all the misconceptions surrounding penis stretchers and learn about them in detail. Don't forget that size, in any case, is a personal thing. It might be a visual treat, alright, but size matters only to you. It's for your personal satisfaction only and there are many other details that you should know before indulging in these equipments.

How Do They Work?

Any penis enlargement equipment works on the principles of traction. They put pressure on the penis so as to apply force on the cells and tissues. The pressure forces the cells to divide and multiply. The spaces are created inside your penis by the pressure are filled by the multiplying cells thereby making your penis longer and thicker. Resultantly, both the length and girth increase. The device, when used, is fixed at the base of the penis and it extends till the corona gland, that is, the crest. You can increase or decrease the pressure as per your liking and requirement.

The Benefits Explained

There are other benefits of stretching devices other than size enlargement. The most important of them is the increase in staying power. A penis stretcher imbibes in you the ability to go on more than you last now. It also helps you in controlling ejaculation. This is something the average man cannot do. Plus, the stretchers increase the overall health of your penis by regulating the blood supply to it. Do not over-pressurize it as that can cause discomfort and other problems. A penis stretcher is also very helpful in treating Peyronie's Disease (curved penis).

Safe Choice and Realistic Expectations

One of the important considerations is that a penis stretcher can cause damage to your penis if you are buying one of those fake products that follow no scientific approach. It is crucial that you gather all the information about it and learn about the technique that the equipment puts into action so that you can get the desired results soon. There are various brands that are providing stretching devices these days. Research the internet and you will come to know about the best brands in the market today. These brands have been clinically approved and they follow the latest technologies in penis stretching. However, keep in mind that a stretcher is not a magical gadget. Over time, it shows its effects on your penis size.

Thus, if you believe that a few days of wear will make you a penis mogul, you are so wrong buddy. You should be ready to wear them for as much as eight to nine months together for five to six hours every day. At the same time, you need not be worried if these would reveal your secret to the world as the present day stretchers can be worn without showing them off to the world.

Realizing the Benefits of a Penis Enlargement Equipment

This is a very important step. The devices always have a positive effect on you provided you follow the usage instructions to the core. However, you need to realize/perceive the benefits first. You can't be all fidgety and curse your purchase. Give it time. And you will have results. If you are not having enough sex and you say "Where the hell am I staying longer!", that's not done, dude! Practice makes a man perfect. The stretcher will endow the powers. You got to practice it to realize the benefits.

For more information about penis enlargement equipment There are a lot of devices available to assist with Penis extension. You may take a look at some of those products by clicking here: penisstretchingequipment. Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.