Friday, 28 September 2012

Penis Enlargement Exercise Programs, What Should I Look For If I Want An 8 Inch Penis Without Risk?

Penis enlargement exercise programs are by far the best way to enlarge your penis safely, naturally, and without having to throw your money away every month on fairy dust. Penis exercise programs allow you to enlarge your penis with exercises that require the use of nothing more than your own two hands. There are no pills, pumps, hanging devices, or any other dangerous contraptions required.

Over the past few years, lots of men have finally begun to discover all the advantages of using penis exercises instead of one or several of the aforementioned methods. I am one of those men. I went from a below average penis size of only 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to very well endowed using nothing more than my hands and a routine which took me about 6-10 minutes per day to complete. Because of the increased demand for these exercise programs, there has been a huge increase of them over the past few years which can make it difficult for guys to determine which is the best one to get a bigger penis.

Here are the things you should look for if you want to choose the best exercise program that can give you a penis that is well above the average size for grown men permanently, as quickly as possible, and without pain or risk.

1. It should require the use of nothing more than your hands. This is paramount. If there is anything mentioned about taking pills as a supplement, or incorporating any sort of stretching device or pump into your routine, you should discount this program immediately. The most effective exercises require only your hands.

2. Claims made should be realistic. I'll admit it, I surf the adult sites on occasion. I always laugh at the penis enlargement ads that promise an 11 or 12 inch penis. The largest medically recorded penis ever isn't much larger than that, so obviously those claims are embellished. 7 to 8 or 8.5 inches is a much more realistic and attainable claim, and even those guys who are below average now should be able to reach that using the right exercises. Steer clear of programs which make promises that deep down you know they cannot fulfill.

3. The time commitment should be reasonable. When I exercised my penis, my daily routine never took more than 10 minutes. Really, that's all you need. In my opinion, a 20-30 minute routine is not only unnecessarily long but also overkill for an organ as delicate as your penis.

4. Permanent results should be attainable. The program should not only include a phase which enlarges your penis quickly, but also a second phase once you reach your size goals where you taper down your routine and "crystallize" or cement those gains so that you can stop doing penis exercises forever without losing your gains.

If you follow the above guidelines, you should very quickly be able to find the right routine of penis exercises to help you reach your goals for your penis length and girth. When I started using the routine I chose for me, I first noticed improvements in erection quality and rigidity, and that happened within the first week. Within two weeks, I saw my first actual size gains. Within a month, the girl I was sleeping with at the time begin to comment that I was bigger and "filled her up more." Best of all, everything I gained was permanent so even though I no longer do penis exercises, my size will always be well above average and very satisfying to the ladies!

If you are ready to take action like I did and increase the size of your penis FAST, here is a link to the exact method I used to go from a humiliating 5.5 inches to very well endowed: This incredible step-by-step program is 100% GUARANTEED to give you the size you need to satisfy her EVERY time! Providing quality mens health and fitness and wellness reviews online.

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