Saturday, 3 November 2012

Lasting Longer In Bed, How To Get A Better Sex Life

Lasting longer in bed is not simply accomplished by wishing for it day and night. If that were the case, then every man and woman who finds sex enjoyable could perform as good and as often as he or she wants to. Now, young men between the ages 18-30 years are the most common ones to report problems with premature ejaculation, while men 45-65 years also suffer from this dreaded condition. While others do not really have the condition of premature ejaculation, they may still find it a challenge to last longer in bed.

The good news is that lasting longer in bed is not impossible and premature ejaculation does not have to mean a premature end to your sex life. Generally, one can improve one's physical condition to have better sexual performance without using pills or lotions. Lasting longer in bed can be affected by one's physical and/or emotional condition so improving the latter can help bring about the desired significant changes in one's sexual performance.

Lasting Longer in Bed Is Possible

For a man to be diagnosed of ejaculation issues, it should have occurred consistently under similar conditions on a number of occasions. Finding out the issues or the causes solves half the problem in most cases. Men with early ejaculation issues were more likely to suffer from several sexual conditions including low libido, erectile dysfunction, and psychological issues. Risks of depression, anxiety and excessive stress are higher than compared with men without premature ejaculation.

Exercising can help a person last longer in bed. This is because the body is toned more, allowing for higher levels of stamina and energy. For those well beyond their middle years, it can also help to open oneself to other add-on options including the intake of healthier foods, the use of supplements, increased rest and sleep, and even changes to one's medication.

Tips For Lasting Longer in Bed

Lasting longer in bed is not impossible as long as a person can look at his condition objectively. The first step is to try to pinpoint the reasons for lack of sex drive or the inability to have prolonged erection. Note that age and general health are not the only reasons for problems relating to sexual performance and erections. The intake of certain medications, stress or even the lack of confidence can all affect sexual performance. Stress may be the culprit and you can learn specific breathing and relaxation exercises to cope with stress.

Lasting Longer in Bed Naturally

For those who are serious in achieving the goal of lasting longer in bed, it can also help to have professional advise. There are times when a man simply needs the nudge in the right direction so he can face his sexual issues. After all, lasting longer in bed is usually every man's concern and it is his right to get the necessary help and guidance towards this goal.

Men are finding special control techniques very helpful. Just use a couple of bedroom techniques and get you right back in control and ready to last longer. If you are going to be a man, be proud of your manhood and start enjoying your sex life. The good news is that it is possible to master control of your ejaculations and delay things for as long as you want. Help is at hand in the form of clever natural remedies. You can learn simple penile exercises for your PC muscle. These will help you to control your ejaculations and will hold you back from the brink of orgasm for longer. This can allow you to enjoy longer-lasting sexual pleasure more naturally.

Learn about lasting longer in bed with these effective techniques and training methods proven to end the pain and embarrassment of premature ejaculation. If you are looking to stop your premature ejaculation permanently and start lasting 10-30 minutes longer tonight, Click Here to read our featured story of how one man cured himself within a few days using a simple Home Natural Remedy to cure his ejaculation problem. The sooner you treat this condition the natural way, the sooner you can start enjoying the tremendous benefits of a great sex life! Providing useful mens health and fitness and wellness articles, writings and reviews online.

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