Monday, 5 November 2012

Managing the Side Effects of Hormonal Therapy for Patients Suffering From Prostate Cancer

Intermittent hormonal therapy for the treatment of prostate cancer is often done by patients to mitigate the effects of testosterone deficiency. But a recent study revealed that this intermittent treatment can be dangerous as it can lower a patient's life expectancy.

Hormone therapy for prostate cancer is a procedure that suppresses the production of androgen hormones that stimulates the growth of cancer cells. Prostate cancer cells depend on male hormones in order to grow, and thus, reducing the hormone can shrink or slow its growth.

The study showed that the chance of survival with intermittent androgen deprivation therapy was lower by almost two years in contrast with the results of continuous hormone therapy. For this reason, researchers advised patients with minimal cancer spread to undergo continuous treatment. For patients with tumors that have spread farther, doctors must discuss their treatment options to let them understand the risks involved.

Another concern for those planning to undergo continuous therapy for prostate cancer is the fatal side effects of low testosterone. A hormone therapy study conducted by a team of endocrinologists in 2011 concluded that androgen deprivation therapy can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and diabetes. The same conclusion was reached in an earlier study published in The Open Prostate Cancer Journal in 2010 with the additional note stating that 46% of those with prostate cancer died of other causes, with cardiovascular disease as the most common.

For these reasons, it is recommended that doctors carefully monitor changes in blood sugar, cardiac activity, and bone health in their patients undergoing therapy in order to control complications as soon as possible. They also suggested diet and exercise as possible ways to manage the side effects of the treatment.

A diet high in fruit and vegetables, and consumption of low-fat dairy and meat can help regulate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels. Avoiding sweets and alcohol is also recommended, and eating regular meals can help regulate insulin levels throughout the day.

Aerobics and resistance training can also help patients avoid weight gain, improve joint mobility, and build lean muscle mass that can reduce body fat and strengthen bones. It can also help patients manage the depression and fatigue experienced due to low testosterone levels.

Discussing the possible risks of hormone therapy for prostate cancer with a knowledgeable physician, and following a recommended diet and exercise regimen can help patients manage the side effects of low testosterone levels and increase their life expectancy.

On Total Rejuvenation's website, men can read up on the latest hormone therapy study to keep up to date on this field of healthcare. As a center that specializes in hormonal therapy for men and women experiencing deficiencies due to age, it also provides information for anyone considering therapy to help them age gracefully. For more information, visit or call 877-530-9222. Providing useful mens health and fitness and wellness articles, writings and reviews online.

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